type 'a t
include Indexed_alternative.LAWS_RIGHT_DISTRIBUTIVITY with type ('a, _) t := 'a t
include Indexed_applicative.LAWS with type ('a, 'index) t := 'a t
include Indexed_apply.LAWS with type ('a, 'index) t := 'a t
include Indexed_functor.LAWS with type ('a, 'index) t := 'a t
val functor_1 : unit -> ('a t, 'a t) Law.t
val functor_2 : unit -> ('a -> 'b, ('c -> 'a) -> 'c t -> 'b t) Law.t
val apply_1 : unit -> (unit t, 'a t -> 'a t) Law.t
val apply_2 : unit -> ('a t, unit t -> 'a t) Law.t
val applicative_1 : unit -> ('a t, 'a t) Law.t
val applicative_2 : unit -> ('a -> 'b, 'a -> 'b t) Law.t
val applicative_3 : unit -> (('a -> 'b) t, 'a -> 'b t) Law.t
val applicative_4 : unit -> (('a -> 'b) t, ('c -> 'a) t -> 'c t -> 'b t) Law.t
val applicative_5 : unit -> ('a -> 'b, 'a t -> 'b t) Law.t
val alternative_right_distrib_1 : unit -> (('a -> 'b) t, ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t) Law.t