module Operation :
with type ('a, 'index) t = ('a, 'index) Core.t
type ('a, 'index) t = ('a, 'index) Core.t
The type held by the Indexed Alternative
functor of ('a -> 'b) t
over ('a, 'index) t
to ('b, 'index) t
Flipped Applicative
functor of ('a -> 'b) t
over ('a, 'index) t
to ('b, 'index) t
Discard the value of the first argument.
Discard the value of the second argument.
Infix version of CORE
Flipped and infix version of CORE
Flipped and infix version of OPERATION
Infix version of CORE
Flipped and infix version of CORE
Flipped and infix version of OPERATION