module Monad : Preface_specs.INDEXED_MONAD
module Req :
with type ('a, 'index) t = ('a, 'index) Monad.t
type ('a, 'index) t = ('a, 'index) Req.t
The type held by the Indexed Monad Plus
include Preface_specs.Indexed_monad.WITH_RETURN
with type ('a, 'index) t := ('a, 'index) t
include Preface_specs.Indexed_monad.WITH_RETURN
with type ('a, 'index) t := ('a, 'index) t
include Preface_specs.Indexed_bind.WITH_MAP_AND_JOIN
with type ('a, 'index) t := ('a, 'index) t
include Preface_specs.Indexed_monad.WITH_RETURN
with type ('a, 'index) t := ('a, 'index) t
val return : 'a -> ('a, 'index) t
Lift a value into a t
val neutral : ('a, 'index) t
The neutral element of the t
val compose_right_to_left :
('b -> ('c, 'index) t) ->
('a -> ('b, 'index) t) ->
'a ->
('c, 'index) t
Composing monadic functions using Kleisli Arrow (from right to left).
Lift a binary function that acts on arbitrary values into a function that acts t
val lift3 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) ->
('a, 'index) t ->
('b, 'index) t ->
('c, 'index) t ->
('d, 'index) t
Lift a ternary function that acts on arbitrary values into a function that acts t
times_nel n x
apply combine
on x
times. If n
is lower than 1
the function will returns None
val reduce_nel : ('a, 'index) t Preface_core.Nonempty_list.t -> ('a, 'index) t
Reduce a Nonempty_list.t
using combine
Create a new t
, replacing all values of the given functor by given a value of 'a
Create a new t
, replacing all values in the given functor by unit
times n x
apply combine
on x
times. If n
is lower than 1
the function will returns neutral
module Infix :
with type ('a, 'index) t := ('a, 'index) t
Infix flipped version of CORE
Infix version of CORE
Infix version of OPERATION
Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced by the first.
Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced by the second.
Infix version of CORE
Flipped and infix version of CORE
Flipped and infix version of OPERATION
module Syntax :
with type ('a, 'index) t := ('a, 'index) t
Syntactic shortcuts for flipped version of CORE
let* x = e in f
is equals to bind (fun x -> f) e