Operation of Env comonad parametrized over an inner comonad and env.
type env
The encapsulated environment.
type 'a comonad
The inner comonad.
type 'a t = env * 'a comonad
The type held by the env comonad.
val lower : 'a t -> 'a comonad
get the underlying comonad.
val run : 'a t -> env * 'a comonad
Unwrap the env computation.
val ask : 'a t -> env
Retrieves the environment.
val asks : (env -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b
Retrieves the environment and apply a function.
val local : (env -> env) -> 'a t -> 'a t
Modifies the environment using the specified function.
module Local (Env : Types.T0) : sig ... end
Perform local with an other environment.