Module type State.CORE

Operation of State monad parametrized over an inner monad and state.

type state

The encapsulated state.

type 'a monad

The inner monad.

type 'a t = state -> ('a * state) monad

The type held by the state monad.

val upper : 'a monad -> 'a t

promote monad into the transformation.

val eval : 'a t -> state -> 'a monad

Unwrap the state computation and extract the current value.

val exec : 'a t -> state -> state monad

Unwrap the state computation and extract the current state.

val run : 'a t -> state -> ('a * state) monad

Unwrap the state computation.

val state : (state -> 'a * state) -> 'a t

Lift a function into a state.

val get : state t

Returns the current state.

val set : state -> unit t

Replace the state with the given one.

val modify : (state -> state) -> unit t

Modify the state applying the given function.

val gets : (state -> 'a) -> 'a t

Apply a function to the current state and return it.